Jan 20, 2006 00:44
So, here I am, back in Hetzel, and I couldn't be happier. I've really come to love this dorm and the people living in it. I've got some great people on my floor, and the new residents are pretty cool. There seems to be interest in interaction on the floor, which makes me very happy. I feel as if they are more comfortable and willing to come to me for help. I had to write and sign a letter fora resident, and it felt great to have the power to really help someone and impact his/her life and/or experience at UNH. I feel more comfortable with the job itself and I am not as afraid of incidents as before.
Alot is different from last semester, but foremost and best is the pervasive feeling of calm that I have been experiencing. I felt it after I came back from Thanksgiving break and I simplified my life in some ways and started to disregard all of the little things that aren't important. It's a feeling of being freed. In the beginning I felt chained by the RA job and my responsibilities, but now I embrace them and my job is a source of happiness. I've always known that I enjoy helping others, but this year has really shown me how important that is for me. It took me the longest time to pinpoint the predominant reason for taking this job, and it was to help others. Looking back i know that this has been a great opportunity for that. I can see it when I answer questions and offer advice. It is a feeling of making a difference and doing something important. This is what I want to carry on into my life and why I am drawn towards physical therapy.
Classes this semester should be awesome with the exception of chemistry, which will be a apin in the ass. I am looking forward to learning new material and the training I will undergo to become an Athletic Trainer for next semester. I had been looking for that opportunity, and on Wednesday it appeared before me when a peer asked me if I was interested. Was I ever! As well, I have some great opportunities coming up such as the chance to lead some ski trips.
Anyway, just feeling great right now. This week I have been tired, but it is that which accompanies the feeling of accomplishment. I have high hopes for this semester, and I hope I can keep this positive outlook. I intend to keep my room clean, study more often & more effectively and be around more mentally. I intend to reward myself adequately for work done well where i did not in the past, by doing things such as seeing friends more often and letting myself relax a littl more.
In summation, the feeling I have right now is that I am in control, feeling empowered and that when the wind blows, i will bend with it.