I just work here dammit!!!

Jan 09, 2009 11:41

I am ever so lucky to work for the state of RI (thats whole 'nother note). As such, I work in a municipal building, which houses more than one agency/office. In my buildling there is the Registry of Motor Vehicles, the Traffic Court and until recently, the Unemployment office (it closed about a year ago) amongst other smaller offices.

Because of massive budget issues in the state, satellite offices have been closing on an all too regular basis - the Unemployment office downstairs being one of them. Recently the Westerly Registry closed, leaving the residents of South County the Registry in my building as their only option. Its only open 2 days a week. People come in ALL THE TIME for the registry...

which is ok, except that for some reason, they feel it perfectly ok to walk into my office (my private office, not the main entry office of our agency, mind you.. my actual OFFICE) and demand to know why the registry isnt open, where is the nearest one, and various and other sundry complaints about the state of the State. This also happens on a regular basis when people show up to argue their traffic ticket on the wrong day, and STILL happens with the long closed Unemployment office. It isnt just me it happens to - people will grab any office that appears to be inhabited. Thankfully most of us are kind enough to have done the legwork and have a couple of standard answers for people.... which of course are never appreciated, and are never enough for people, even when we tell them we DONT WORK THERE.

I JUST WORK IN THE BUILDING PEOPLE! Seriously, when you go to your accountant's office and discover that he/she isnt in, do you barge into the lawyer's office next door and demand that they tell you what is going on with your accountant? NOOOOOO you dont, because the lawyer has NOTHING to do with the accountant. Or if Macy's isnt open yet do you barge into Wal-Mart to ask what is going on?? No, you dont. Same goes here peoples. I have NOTHING to do with the registry, or the unemployment office, or the damn traffic court. Stop barging into my office and demanding that I know what the hell is going on with an office I DONT WORK AT.

I just heard that we are getting a welfare office in the space that was once the Unemployment office. Oh I can only imagine the folks who will come barging into my office when they show up on the wrong day for that...


I also find it endlessly amusing that people see the Registry is closed, see through the GLASS doors that its all emppty and dark, and STILL have to wallk right up to the door and rattle the door - as if by some Hollywood magic, the door will open and reveal a fully lighted and operational Registry that's open only for them!

Seriously, this happens ALL the time! And I laugh every single time.


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