Apr 11, 2007 18:54
[ no peddling . meridian, ny]
So I guess it's time for a real entry since I havent written one in a long time.
First off, I should say something very important.
And I've kind of stopped being tacktful about it because how can you really?
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month and a half ago and she started chemo yesterday.
She's had a mastectomy and will now have to have 4 months of chemo with another month and a half of radiation after that.
It's been a rough little while but I'm starting to feel better about it.
And I know she will be fine in the end, it's just hard right now.
But anyway. There are other things going on as well.
I've gotten a job this summer.
I was going to stay on Long Island but because of my mom and money, etc., I decided not to.
I will be working on the costumes for the Ren Faire in Sterling.
I'm pretty excited about it.
It's going to be fun plus I will be making a lot of money, which is wonderful.
It's only on the weekends but I think I'm going to try to get another job for a few days during the week.
Something easy that won't be too taxing just to make some extra money.
The Winter's Tale is clearly over.
It went well, though I did spend a lot f time crying during it because of stress and my mom and all that business.
But I made it out alive for the most part and now I have a lot of things to look forward to.
I'm playing a gig in Brooklyn on April 27.
It's at a place called The White Room.
If you are reading this and are 21 or older, you should come.
It's going to be a good time.
There will be other people playing, too, so come support us all.
It's $10 at the door and the money goes to charity.
That same weekend I am going to be playing on the Max Kolb Telethon here at Hofsra.
Watch it.
I'm cool.
I may be costume designing for a Masquerade show provided that it gets passed.
It might not but it would be cool if it did.
And then I might also costume design for the department in the spring if things work out and they let me.
David Henderson (my professor), myself and some other people are going to be playing music at the TA dinner so you drama majors . . . get pumped.
David Henderson (my professor) has also complimented my designs for Dierdre's class which means so so much to me since Dierdre is kind of reserved about those things.
Anyway, all in all there is a lot of good happening in my life.
I'm trying really hard not to take anything for granted and to just go with the flow.
I'm not so worried about the rest of my life anymore because there is a whole lot of time to figure that out.
For now, I'm trying to be supportive for my mom because I love her and I'm trying to do well in school.
And get in shape, too, because I feel very unhealthy.
I'm shutting up now.
It's dinner time. . . .