(no subject)

Dec 28, 2004 18:45

x- Name:Chrissy
-x- Mood: Kinda Hungry..is that a mood?
-x- Listening To: the ceiling fan whirring unfortunately, it's cold in here!
-x- Thinking: should I eat dinner?
-x- Status: engaged, duh!
-x- Birth date: March 27th 1980
-x- Birthplace: Bay Shitty, MI
-x- School: None anymore, i gradumitated
-x- Hair Color: brown
-x- Eye Color: green
-x- Height: 3'10"
-x- Righty or Lefty: righty
-x- Zodiac Sign: Aries, supposedly i'm unpredictable and full of passion
-x- Your heritage: Polish, German, Scottish and maybe some other stuff thrown in for fun
-x- The shoes you wore today: my white shoes that are falling apart. :-(
-x- Your weakness: junk food
-x- Your fears: um, not sure, i'm sure i have some
-x- Goal you'd like to achieve: save up enough money to not be living paycheck to paycheck

-x- Your most overused phrase on AIM: hi (pretty exciting huh?)
-x- Your bedtime: between 11:30pm and midnight
-x- High School Memory: hanging out with "my bitches"
-x- Grossest Thing You Ever Ate: i think i sampled some mud pie when i was little
-x- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-x- Single or group dates: single i guess
-x- Adidas or Nike: i'm not all about shoes
-x- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton raspberry iced tea
-x- Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!!!!
-x- Cappuccino or coffee: foo food coffee

-x- Smoke: tried it once, thought it was gross
-x- Swear: fuck yeah
-x- Sing: yes, in the privacy of my own shower and car
-x- Take a shower everyday: yes
-x- do you think youve been in love: yes and still am
-x- Want to go to college/university: yes, for 6 glorious years!
-x- Want to get married: yes, but not in a churchy kind of way
-x- Believe in yourself: most of the time
-x- Get motion sickness: only occassionally on planes
-x- Think youre attractive: sometimes
-x- Think youre a health freak: not really, i try
-x- Get along with your parents: Yes
-x- Play an instrument: i played the oboe for 7 years, haven't played in 6 years :-(
-x- Thunderstorms: sexy as long as the power doesn't go out and it's either too hot or cold out
In the past month...
-x- Drank alcohol: probably, but i don't drink much anymore, i'm an old fart now
-x- Smoked: ick, grody
-x- Done a drug: lots of cold medicine and motrin
-x- Had Sex: hell yeah, but not enough
-x- Made Out: not sure, sometimes that gets lost in rushing into sex
-x- Gone on a date: not really, unless you count all the time i spend with roy then i'm in a constant state of being on a date
-x- Gone to the mall?: yes, christmas shopping
-x- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: mmm...oreos
-x- Skipped School: i don't have any school to skip
-x- Been dumped: no
-x- Missed Someone: yes, lots of people that i finally saw over christmas
-x- Gone skating: do i look like someone who skates??? didn't think so...
-x- Made homemade cookies: no, but i make some damn good chocolate chip cookies, just ask roy
-x- Gone skinny dipping: no, only done that once
-x- Dyed your hair: i haven't dyed my hair in over a year
-x- Stolen anything: no

-x- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes and there are many pictures to prove it
-x- Been caught "doing something"?: doing something? like doing "it" tee hee?? no
-x- Cried over someone of the opposite sex: yes
-x- Wanted to tell someone you loved them: no, i usually just tell people i love them
-x- Been called a tease: yes
-x- Gotten beaten up: no
-x- Shoplifted: no
-x- Put a body part on fire for amusement: that would be amusing?? i don't have body parts to spare...
-x- Changed who you were to fit in: i think everyone does this to some degree, i'm no exception, but for the most part i think i'm pretty genuine

-x- shampoo: i use many different kinds, i like to mix it up, keep showers exciting
-x- Color: red
-x- Food: my dad's gwumpki (spelling might be golabki)
-x- Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
-x- Movie: many
-x- Sport: oral sex
-x- Piercing: just my ears
-x- Gum: minty stuff
-x- TV Show: of all time?? sex and the city!!! currently, desperate housewives
-x- Fruit: strawberry, banana, kiwi
-x- Vegetables: corn, carrots, brocoli (i get excited going down the aisle with the frozen veggies
-x- Store: victoria secret i guess
-x- Season: Spring

In a guy/girl..
-x- Best eye color? green
-x- Best hair color? dark
-x- Short or long hair: short
-x- height: doesn't matter, everyone's tall compared to me
-x- Best weight: not scrawny
-x- Best articles of clothing: boxer briefs, jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket....ooh la la
-x- Best first date location: my bed
-x- Best first kiss location: my bed

-x- # of drugs taken illegally: well, one, but I've done it a couple of times
-x- # of ppl i could trust with my life: quite a few
-x- # of Cds I own: i don't know, i don't sit around counting my cd's. over 100
-x- # of piercings: 2
-x- # of tattoos: 3, tweety on my shoulder, butterfly on my lower back, roses on my hip bone
-x- # of things that i regret in the past: can't think of anything

-x- hottest actress: i want to look like ashley judd
-x-hottest actor: Colin Ferrell, that's for sure!!!
-x-hottest female singer: um, beyonce
-x-hottest male singer: um...not sure, how odd that i can think of a hot female singer but not a hot male singer
-x-hottest female model: tryra banks, as bootylicious as a model can be
-x-hottest male model: once again, know the hot female but not the hot male
-x-celebrities you’ve met: none, i grew up in michigan
-x-concerts you’ve been too: Melissa Etheridge many times, billy joel and elton john, toad the wet sprocket, pat benatar, many concerts in bay city downtown (three dog night, guess who, etc.)
-x-best music video: dont' know
-x-best dancer: forrest gump? i mean, roy?
-x-musicians you’ve met: again, i grew up in michigan

-x-siblings: half brother, Steve
-x-pets: Bambi, my baby
-x-what you’re wearing: dress pants from ann taylor and a pink shirt, and panties and a bra of course
-x-favorite flower: sunflowers and daisies
-x-favorite perfume or cologne: romance by ralph lauren that i bought roy, makes me instantly horny
-x-sports/activities involved in: i'm gimpy, what do you think? well, besides oral sex
-x-favorite friends: bridget and laura are the ones i'm closest to
-x-favorite teacher: not sure
-x-been in detention: nope
-x-been suspended: nope

-x-religion: i'm not into organized religion
-x-death penalty: against, but i think i'd flip out and kill a person if they killed someone i loved
-x-abortion: pro-choice
-x-political party: Democrat
-x-guns: guns are stupid
-x-health care: everyone should have healthcare
-x-meds: am i on any? just cold medicine and birth control
-x-assisted suicide: this is a hard one, if someone is terminally ill and going to die anyways i think it's there choice what to do, they should die in dignity, otherwise i think suicide is impulsive and never the right answer
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