a few good laughs

Aug 30, 2005 22:31

Today has really been one funny event after another...

I went to tovel a ton of dishes with Anna, arrived at the lake, and remembered that I had on a long skirt. hmm... so I pulled a leader's assembly, and tied my skirt up with a hair rubberband, played in the river... oh, and toveled my dishes. :) Besides enjoying tromping in the river, it really was a meaningful way to mark a fresh start for myself. I think it is relatively uncommon for a person's second year of college to be drastically much more of a new beginning than eir freshman year. I'm loving it though. Leader's assembly left me really refreshed and excited, which I didn't fully realize until I had three Hillel meetings today, and it didn't phase me.

This afternoon, I was walking out of Hillel with Ami, and the two of us realized that to get where on campus we needed to go would have been a really easy straight path had it not been for a really obnoxious (seemingly temporary) fence (which will be there for the forseeable future). It was hilarious. Ami started kvetching about not being able to go see his friend, which he had always done because there was a fence in the way. As I was headed home, I made a crack out how my house was on the other side of the fence. It took me a minute to realize how funny that entire conversation was in light of Israel's security thingee (please insert whatever you'd like to call it). I looked at Ami and said, "The irony of this conversation is OVERWHELMING!" He just looked at me and laughed. It was all we could do. Laughing beats crying, that's all I can figure.

Then Aaron came over so we could prepare for our Hillel greeter's training tomorrow, and he and I acted out scenarios that we'll have people act out and talk through tomorrow at training. hehe. So the first one was fairly innocuous... just a shy freshman who I had to pull conversation out of. Nothing too exciting. The second one, he pretended to be a freshmen boy who checked me out and then invited me back to his room. After I got over my fit of laughter, I deflected pretty well. From someone in earnest, I'd handle it more gracefully, but when acting out interactions with an unctuous freshman boy... not so much. I was just waiting for one of my roomates to walk down the stairs and see the two of us role playing practicing to be greeters... pretty entertaining.

So all in all, I'm moved into my apartment. My kitchen is in a state where I can cook in it, and kashrut won't be a problem, which is hugely exciting. I feel settled in my life for the first time in five years, and that's wonderful. My roomate is up for visitors whenever, and is the kind of girl who says her sorority sisters curl up in bed with her, and she was greatly comforted to find out that mine do too. :) Good times. Yay for open-minded, albeit very different, roomates.

Life is good. I'm sleepy because I've earned it. My feet are black, but oh so happy not to be restrained in shoes-- for the first time in months, really. Silly job... made me wear shoes... ants... blah, blah, blah.
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