Alexander and the wonderful, fantastic, lots of good news, shouting hallelujah day

Dec 15, 2005 08:05

Yesterday was cold. And yesterday should have been the day I spent all day studying for my math exam today. Yesterday instead of studying for a math exam, I got my budget set up for next semester, and figured out that if I want to squeeze a bit, I could buy myself a car. I emailed my dad all of that information, and he called me back last night, and said, "Beverly, I looked at those numbers, and it just won't work." I am pretty used to my dad... he would have apologized if he'd really meant that there was no way humanly possible for me to swing having a car (and making the payments). Then he told me that all I'd have to pay for is gas and oil changes. What?! Excuse me? I was so excited. And blown away. And excited to be able to drive my own car (whose condition I will know) to Jews in the Woods, to the grocery, or up north to visit people. I'm thrilled. I still won't use it when I don't absolutely need to, but I am so excited to have the ability to go to the dr if I need to without having to borrow a car. My friends have been tremendously generous, but I felt like I could only rely on that for so long... it's too stressful to be sick, have to find a new dr in a weird location, and then be worrying about something happening to the car you borrowed.

Just before I found out that bit of good news, I went back in my apartment to get what I needed for finals today, get the groceries from my apartment to Anna's, etc. I walked into my room, and ALL of Javone's stuff was gone. We checked the drawers, we checked the alcove, we checked the bathroom, we checked the kitchen. I hooted and hollered, rejoiced and shouted hallelujah! I'm elated. Javone has moved out. Now Anna and I can perform the exorcism and then Josh, Anna, and I can get Anna all moved in! Then we can have havura people come stay with us over with break for a couple of days. :) So much good stuff! It will be even better once I live to see the end of my math exam today! Then I can breathe a huge sigh of relief. I love times like this where everything just falls into place. I've been waiting all semester for that )(*(*&Q#)(*@#$*&^***!!!! to move out of the apartment so I didn't have to be screamed at (haha-- and have to work so hard not to laugh at her) for doing things like accidentally bumping her TV remote. ::rolls eyes and laugh:: I wish her all the best in the world and lots of life lessons.
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