Aug 10, 2006 22:53
Thank you to everyone who commented or even read that last entry. It meant a lot to me. I love you dearly, friends.
I definitely need to save my money. I don't want to keep asking my parents for money next year. Well, I still will, but I don't want them to have to buy everything for me. Again. Like the past eighteen years of my life. I really want a job next year, but I guess I'll have to wait to see what my schedule is like first. That might mean that I will have to cancel my Netflix account and subscription. Hah. I never play anyway, but what if I feel like playing? Anyway, together, they drain about $35 from my checking account every month. And next year, if I don't have a job, that's going to be $35 that I'll need for books or something. Meh, we'll see. I don't know how much I'll be working until I leave, but I've been steady at about $600 per paycheck and I get paid every two weeks. If I make like $300 per paycheck until I leave, that would fine. I don't want too much workie.
Today I sliced my thumb open at work. Ouchies. I almost cried. I showed Ryan and after I washed my hands, he put Neosporin and a bandaid on my cut. Hah. I am a small child. I wore a glove for the rest of the night, and did everything with my left hand. Ryan grew up in Bellingham, so we always talk about next year. He keeps telling me that he has connections and can get me a job at Macy's. Mmm. My aunt is the West coast buyer for Nordstrom, though. I think that if I was going to work at a department store, I would work at Nordstrom. We talked about all of the places that we like to eat and about the dorms and everything and we just make everyone else feel left out, but I love that guy. I'm going to miss him when I'm gone.
I don't remember what else I was going to say.
I AM: still hungry.
I WANT: more salad.
I HAVE: a cut on my hand.
I WISH: school had started already.
I HATE: pot:[
I MISS: my friends already.
I FEAR: failure and losing people who I love.
I HEAR: Kathy Griffin.
I SEARCH: with Google.
I WONDER: if my roommate is conservative.
I ALWAYS: need more time.
I AM NOT: tall?
I DANCE: all the time.
I SING: constantly.
I CRY: tooooo much.
I WRITE: a lot.
I LOSE: my phone. Hah. A lot.
I CONFUSE: myself.
I NEED: things for college.
I SHOULD: get ready for bed.
You keep a diary: [LiveJournal and a real journal.]
You have a secret journal: [A secret LiveJournal.]
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: [Not anymore.]
You bite your fingernails: [No.]
Take a shower everyday: [Pretty much.]
Have a(any) crush(es): [Zach.]
Think you've been in love: [Know that I've been in love.]
Want to get married: [If I find the right person.]
Have any tattoos/where?: [Nope.]
Piercing/where?: [My lobes and the cartilage on my right ear.]
Think you're a health freak: [Hah. No.]
Get along with your parents: [Yes.]
NUMBER: [Nope.]
COLOR: [All.]
DAY: [Saturday. Or any day during summer.]
MONTH: [July, August, September.]
SONG: [Too many.]
FOOD: [Pollo a la crema. Pasta.]
SPORT: [Tennis and soccer.]
DRINK: [Water/Dr. Pepper/Smirnoff Green Apple/Grey Goose/wineeeeeee/blueberry cider.]
VEGGIE: [All of them.]
FRUIT: [Most fruit. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, mango, POMEGRANATE<3, oranges, bananas.]
FAST FOOD: [I can't take fast food anymore. I had a lot when we were on our roadtrip, and now it just makes me feel greasy and queasy.]
RESTRAUNT: [Restaurant? Rio Blanco for my pollo a la crema. Zoopa. The Cheesecake Factory. I am a simple lady.]
In the last 24 hours have you:
CRIED? [Yes. Zach and I talked about everything and then I watched Crash.]
GOTTEN SICK? [I am always sick.]
would you ever...
1. Eat a bug? [For an assload of cash.]
2. Bungee jump? [Maybe.]
3. Hang glide? [Yes.]
4. would you cheat on your bf/gf? [Never again.]
5. Have sex with someone you don't love? [Oops. Hah. If the time/setting/mood is right, then why not?]
7. Parachute from a plane? [Yes.]
8. Walk on hot coals? [Ouch. No.]
9. Go out with someone for his or her looks? [No.]
10. For their reputation? [No.]
11. Be a vegetarian? [Maybe.]
12. Wear plaid with stripes? [It's summer. I wear whatever the fuck I want because it doesn't count. Actually, that's how I always am. But no. Haha.]
13. IM a stranger? [Why not?]
14. Sing karaoke? [Not sober.]
15. Get drunk? [Yes.]
16. Shoplift? [No.]
17. Run a red light? [Perhaps.]
18. Dye your hair blue? [Like a small portion? Maybe.]
19. Be on Survivor? [Hells to no. I <3 food. Hah. And bathing.]
20. Wear makeup in public? [I guess so.]
21. NOT wear makeup in public? [Why wouldn't I do that?]
22. Make someone cry? [If it was necessary.]
23. Kick a baby? [No, but I hit a small child in the face when we were in Snoqualmie Falls. It tried to touch me with its disgusting, sticky fingers.]
24. Date someone more than ten years older than you? [I would, but not right now. I am still in school, and I think that would be weird for someone ten years older.]
25. Stay up all through the night? [Yes.]
Have you:
1. Fallen for your best friend? [Yes.]
2.made out with a friend? [Uhh, kind of.]
3.been rejected? [Yes? Like, by a boy? No? By who?]
4.been in love? [Yes.]
5.used someone? [Probably.]
6.been used? [Probably.]
7.been cool? [Holla!]
8.done something you regret? [Hmm.]
who was the last person... touched? [Ryan.] talked to? [Michael.] hugged? [Mama.] IMed? [Lyle.] kissed? [Zach.] had sex with? [Oh. It's a secret. Hah. Zach.] yelled at? [I don't remember the last time that I yelled at someone.] laughed with? [Mama.]
17.who broke your heart? [Buuuh. Zach.]
18.who told you they loved you? [Mama.]
Do you...
19.color your hair? [Not in years.]
20.have tattoos? [No.]
21.have piercings? [Ears.]
22.have a boyfriend/girlfriend? [Yes.]
23.own a webcam? [OWN one. It came in our first computer kit, but it was never taken out of the package.]
24.own a thong? [Yes.]
25.ever get off the computer? [Sometimes. Hah. Actually, I haven't been spending that much time on it lately.]
Have you/do you/are you...
26. stolen anything? [Not recently?]
27. schizophrenic? [Not since Halloween a few years ago.]
28. obessive? [Definitely.]
29. panic? [Occasionally.]
30. if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? [Bellingham.]
31. what facial feature do you like most about your boyfriend/girlfriend? [Eyebrows<3. Eyes, lips, adorable nose, cheeks, chin, forehead. Hah.]
32. would you vote for a woman president? [If she were qualified and had views that I agreed with, then yes.]
33. would you marry for money? [I guess. Not while I am young and saucy, though. Hah. I have no qualms about marrying for money.]
34. Have you had braces? [Nope.]
35. do you pluck your eyebrows? [Yes. Not as often as I should, but yes.]
36. do you like mustaches? [It depends on who it is on.]
37. when did you last have a hickey? [Like two years ago. Gross.]
38. By who? [Ex.]
39. who do you want to kiss? [Definitely not Zach. Disgusting.]
40. If you could get stuck with anyone in a closet who would it be? [Zach. So that we could come out of the closet together.]