
Jul 02, 2006 08:15


So I guess I am getting my car on Wednesday, all I have left to do is visit the Secretary of State and get my up-dated tags, which is going to be relativly impossible, seeing that I work 8am-4pm Monday-Wednesday, and I have to pick the car up on Wednesday.... So I guess I will just have to look for a Secretary of State in or near Flat Rock, and hope that they close at 5pm or later, so I can run there either Monday or Tuesday after work? I don't even know what I am supposed to do when I get there? Whatever... I want my car so bad, even though I have no clue what the hell it looks like, I guess the father use to wash it twice a week, ummm.... can you say spoiled daddy's girl? Because I sure can... Oh well, at least it SHOULD be clean as hell... I guess he was having the interior like steam cleaned or something, and I would assume the outside will be very clean... I am nervous though because I have NEVER SEEN THE CAR!!! lol.... It's a Saturn and because of that I am hopeing it will last a longggg time without problems!!! I think I'll start keeping up on the oil changes with this car to, it wouldn't hurt at all.... 
I still have to call around to a couple junk yards and see what they will give me for my last car, which was a 86' lynx... It still runs, and would run very well if the head gasket wasn't cracked... So we shall see, I am hopeing they give me a good amount, but something is better then nothing....
Today I work 8am-12pm, then I leave and come back 5pm-9pm... Between 12pm-5pm my grams is supposed to be taking me out to eat :^) I think we are going to like Denny's or something... Which will be AWESOME because that way I don't have to pay for food today, SCORE!!! I hope I have extra time after Denny's, which I should, that way I can go exchange Michael's shirt that I bought for Lindsey's wedding, I need to get a smaller size so that it is more form fitting... It's a REALLY nice black button up dress shirt, and he actually likes it, maybe this time it won't wind up IN THE DAMN DRYER!!!!!!!!! lol.... 
Only a matter of days until I can take that mini-van I am driving back to my aunt and uncle!!! I have to wash it first obviously, and vacuum the inside a bit...I am planning on doing this on Wednesday, since that guy I am seeing to get the car doesn't get off of work until 5, and I get off at 4, so I will have a bit of time to wash the van... I sure as hell am not giving them a full tank though, lol, half a tank for sure, but not full... They have it to me wayyyyy below E, and the van sits in their damn garage so there's really no point...
Weound where we are almost positivly going to move... It's in Flat Rock *  I have Fallen in Love with Flat Rock*, and it's a townhome, with 950 square feet, and two bedrooms, with an upstairs and a main floor!!! You can have any animal you like there as long as it's 30lbs. or under... The ONLY down-falls I have found thus far is there is no dishwasher, and no washer and dryer hook-ups... But unless we find other townhomes that look this good and are in this great of an area, then by next May we will be moving in!!!! Everybody has to come visit!!! I am sure we would do some type of house warming party... So we can get gifts!!! I mean, so we can see all of you *cough*.... 
I have discovered that this journal is more of me just listing things I need to get done...  Big boring to-do list.... hmmm, that sucks for whomever reads this, NO-ONE!!! lol.... Alrighty,
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