Jan 28, 2006 11:41
So I've realized I've left you all out in the dark. I don't really update much anymore at all, unlike some people who post five or six times a day. I've got tons of other stuff to do with my time.... so here is what I've been doing when I have not been on livejournal.
Hawaii was fantastic! I'll post an online album of it soon hopefully. Maybe next weekend I will have time to sit down and do it.
Gregg came out from New York. For those of you that don't know. Gregg was the guy that I met in Vegas on Lara's birthday. So we had been talking since September and he flew out here. He is still supposed to be here...but he is gone. So you can conclude how that visit worked out. He left a week early because I do not have the same feelings for him that he has for me. He was practically in love with me, and I don't feel anywhere near that. He gave me a ring for Christmas! Its very pretty, but too much for a friendship. So yea. He went back to New York, we did go skydiving though the day before he left.
School started. Yuck. But I'm almost done.
My capstone is going okay. I did my research part of it. I just need to analyze and write it up.
Work and everything else is going okay. I just need to find a way to get $2500 in the next month because financial aid cut me off because I have over 150 units. Stupid rules. Stupid ESSP. Stupid me for accumulating 154 units. Gosh. On a different note. Lara wants me to go to the fire academy with her and then we can be firewoman and buy our dream houses. Wouldn't that be grand? Woohoo!