I can't believe I was able to get this done...
The San Francisco Experience 2005 - PART III
Classic SF shot. Plus we waited for a good 1/2 hour to ride the thing. I figured I might as well take a picture.
This is my friend Tim. He was hanging off the side of the cable car and it was just such a Kodak moment that we all took pictures. Doesn't he just look so GQ?
I thought the brakes were just way too cool, so I took a picture. And who says I'm a city girl?
Great shot of Pier 39. I love/miss that place.
And what is a trip to Pier 39 without seeing the seals, eh?
Part IV will be the final part and is coming soon!
And as another announcement - I am finishing HBP tonight!! I HAVE to now. I'm too close to the end. Expect major celebration soon.
HBP Current Reading Status: pg. 527, amidst Chapter Twenty-Four