I'm signing the lease and getting the keys to my new apartment this Thursday. I'm excited. Obviously not that excited since I haven't packed a single thing. I'm really not stressed about packing or moving or anything. It will be fine.
What I am stressed about is money. Which, I make a point not to talk too much about since I come off as a spoiled brat. But I'm over that in the moment. In my defense, would you take out loans if you didn't have to? I'm not sorry that my parents spared me years of debt because they could afford it. ANYWAY, I'm real stressed about how I'm going to pay for everything for this new apartment. I'm not allowed to take out loans and my dad doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. So that leads me with the money I make at my 10-hours-a-week retail job. Which works out fine for the 2 bills I pay monthly NOW. But I'm going to have a lot more with the new apartment and I'm real stressed about it. Not to mention furniture. But that's a whole other story. I know, pity me. My hard knock life.
I was off work for the past week because I went home and stuff.. I got my schedule for this week online but i JUST realized that I may have had call-in shifts for the past few days and not known about it since we have to go into the store to get those. I never go in whenever I'm not working unless I'm buying something, as not to mess up conversion. But that sucks if I haven't called for my call-in shifts. I LOSE.
I am real excited for the You Tube debates tonight on CNN. By excited, I mean I will probably forget to watch them. Then I'll read about them, wish I'd watched them and think about what I was doing instead of watching them which will probably have been absolutely nothing.
We saw Hairspray the other night and I loved it. I was nervous since I hated the original movie and ADORED the stage version (as in, it's my favorite ever). It was great, minus not including my favorite "Mama I'm A Big Girl Now" and the awkward Link-singing-to-Tracy's-picture scene. Otherwise, I was ecstatic and I would like to see the movie again soon. Real soon.
Downloaded Harry Potter but have given up reading it because reading a book on a computer screen is for the lose. I'll just borrow someone's copy eventually.
I'm quite the downer lately. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like when things are wrong in my family, everything is wrong in my life. And of course, Michael is going to Germany in less than a month and I haven't heard of or from Kristen in days.
While driving down the road, and looking for an address, do you turn the radio down?
Yes. I also turn the radio down whenever I turn into a neighborhood or when I'm dropping someone off and we're getting close. I am not entirely sure why.
Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make?
uhm wedding cake. :)
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
my white jacket. i also enjoy the dress I wore to Kevin and Anne's wedding.
If you could quit your job right now, and be anything you wanted, what would it be?
a therapist
What do you think of when you look at the stars?
That Hilary Duff movie song "Have you ever seen such a beautiful night, I could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright" ... Seriously, almost every time. I am a teenybopper for sure.
When you add someone into your cell phone, do you use there real name, or there nickname?
depends on the person and my mood
If you use their real name, do you add their last name?
Very rarely
If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be?
need an intern?
If you could meet ANY president, dead or not, who would it be
eh. i would rather meet Heidi Klum
If you could get rid of the holiday season, would you?
IF you could go to any state, which one would you go to and why?
Hawaii. It's hot and expensive. Right up my alley.
Would you ever get a personalized license plate?
uh sure
If yes, would would it say?
don't know.
If you could go back to college, what would you major in?
i would have gone to a school that offered PR as a major.
Before you go to sleep at night, what do you think of?
my mom
What is your favorite kind of weather?
Sunny, bright, intensely hot.
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
I suppose it's a little of both, eh?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it
considered a hostage situation?