Feb 06, 2004 18:47
So for english we have to do this mildly exciting scene from macbeth and we get to choose our groups. so i have gabrielle and al in my class and i was like sweet it is gonna b really kick ass. so i go to the bathroom and apparently while i was gone we picked groups and when i came back i was like o lord. there was me, gabrielle, and the three most shy people in my class. so i knew the scene was gonna suck. and they were like lets tape it but i wanted to do it live b/c im a performer and thats what you do - LIVE. but i lost. so we taped it and it is so...... unlike any theatre thing ive ever done b4. its really not that great at all. so today we edited it at this guys house who is the boyfriend of one of the girls in my group (he has all this fancy schmancy editing crap on his comp). lets just say i was about to gag myself b/c they were so into that goo goo love shit. ewwww. my least favorite letters, in order, are PDA. get a room!
and the video still sucks. but hey its only english.
gabrielle i feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!!! "i could fuuck this icebox i love it so much. and by icebox i mean *elroy* " (ahh good times)
and on that note, adios
ps - the first part of that quote is from The Talented Mr. Ripley (featuring the talented Jude Law) ;-)