
Aug 02, 2009 22:07

Stolen from rawnee

001. Do you live in a house or an apartment?: A bungalow
002. Have you ever fancied a cartoon?: no
003. What are you reading right now?: The Dead Place - Stephen Booth
004. What's your occupation?: Registration Authority Administrator
005. What do you hate right now?:  Migraines
006. Who is your celebrity crush?: *coughs* certainly not Taylor Lautner *coughs*, Chris Pine, Steve Carlson, Alex O'Loughlin, Kellan Lutz
007. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?: Rugby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
008. What are you listening to right now?: Nothing
009. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?: pizza
010. What websites do you always visit when you go online?: hotmail, livejournal, facebook, twitter
011. What are you going to do next year?:  get divorced at last! and finally go on holiday YAY!
012. What was the cutest thing you've seen today?: Tito of course
013. Does the weather affect your mood?: On occasion, especially as storms can give me a migraine
014. What is your favourite type of cheese?:  Mozarella
015. Do you want to learn another language?: I wouldn't mind but I'm too lazy
016. 5 things you can't live without?: Friends, family, my dog, internet, music
017. If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?:  Hmmmm Daniel Conn
018. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?:  that DUH of course I'll stick up for my brother cos, he's my brother - why are you surprised?
019. What are you looking forward to?:  Picking up my new car *g*
020. What did you dream last night?:  Umm I can't remember but I have a feeling it was strange!


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