May 17, 2006 19:58
As of September 1, 2006, if all things go according to plan, I should have my Master's degree. I have three classes to take in the summer (one starting in like two weeks while I'm still teaching...ugh), and it's going to be a heavy workload, but it'll be so worth it when I'm finished. Who knows if I'll use it though...the way things have been at work has been inspiring me to make some changes...either to public school or another career altogether. We'll see...although I'd really love to do something in admissions for a college.
It's just weird to think that soon it will be over. It feels like I've been doing this forever, but at the same time it feels like just yesterday that I was contemplating going into Library Science. Thank goodness I never did that, it's not for me.
I just can't wait for grad school to be over. Then I can go back to being funMary again. I miss her.