The Curse of the Semi-finals

Jan 10, 2008 13:02

I posted this on my journal but thought it appropriate for this community.  To fill in some blanks, I am a member of the Royal Montreal Curling Club (est. 1807) Check out:  Royal Montreal Curling Club.    Our annual bonspiel, the Centenary, is currently underway.  Formerly a men's event, it is now an open one.
For those who don't know me, I curl.  I curl competitively when I can.  Currently, I am involved in my own club's big bonspiel and have managed to win 3 straight.  As a result, my team finds itself in the semi-finals in the top or "A" division.  I also hate semi-finals.

I have never managed to go beyond the semis in this particular competition and it's frustrating.  In fact, winning the semis to get into the finals is in some respects more to the point and therefore harder.  Most curlers will tell you that the goal is to play in the finals.  Full of pomp and circumstance, the ceremony surrounding the start of the game and the prize presentation after the game (both winners and runners-up win something) can overshadow the games themselves.

In fact, the actual final matches are almost an anti-climax in comparison for some players.  You've made it to the show, so to speak, so now you can relax and enjoy the game.  Winning is still the goal but some of the pre-final tension is gone.  At least that has been the case for me when I have made the finals in other bonspiels.

To make matters worse, we typically find ourselves in the tough half of the semis and this year is no exception.  Three relatively easy games and then wham! the real deal shows up.  Our competition (Don Aitken) is not only a skip who has been to the Canadian national men's competition (The Brier) about six times but also a one time world champion.  Damn.  I've played against him twice before and although it was close, we lost both times.  Yes, it's kind of cool playing against someone of his caliber but I'd also like to win once in a while.  End result?  I'm the guy taking the photos, instead of being in the photos.  sigh.

Ah well.  Once more into the breach.  Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!   And any other saying that comes to mind. :-)
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