Apr 12, 2004 19:49
i luv it how i do things in my dreams and then when i wake up i remember that i hafta do those same things but then i say to myself nevermind u already did them bc i think i did them in my dream when i really didnt.
i bought requiem for a dream today with the money i was saving up for to go to canada with... only $8.95 at strawberries in the used section but still.
i passed in my paper today and i was so nervous. but so was everyone else. wow. we are all so scared of this lady. only because she can decide if we "walk across that stage" on time. ugh i hate that. if that wasnt the case everyone would be telling her to fuck off. but yea she still bitched at a handful of us bc sumthin or other was wrong. why does she hafta embarass us in front of each other like that. thats so degrading. how about she saves it for when shes shes correcting the fucking paper. watever.
"holding on ... but i guess im out of luck ... and im still in love with you"