Top Ten

Apr 29, 2004 12:21

Top Ten Things I Learned From Nag

1. Frizzy hair makes people cranky

2. Growing up in San Francisco makes you a condescending bitch

3. Red means sex

4. Slow means sex

5. Curly hair definitely means sex

6. How to talk when you're violently coughing

7. If you don't want to do an assignment just say you did it but lost it

8. To repair a broken relationship between mother and daughter watch a cheap Asian flick

9. Chinese people are special

10. Ojai is just a cult of crazy crack heads (alliteration)

Top Ten Things I Wish Nag Would Have Taught US

1. How to write an essay

2. How to read her handwriting

3. How to make a normal bond between student and teacher

4. More about women and Asians for sure

5. What happened to her mole

6. Why she is really a two year old trapped inside a 60 year old body

7. How to give a good lecture on college...especially Berkeley

8. More about her family problems

9. How to read 12 books at once in one day

10. English

Have you had your Nag today?

(written by Stacy Naylor)
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