Dec 16, 2008 22:47
Yeah - I'm not excited at all this year & i can not figure out why. It is my Little one's 1st & Im all up & up over that but - I'm not fa lala la la at all! I'm more excited to just get this year behind me all together!
Michael Jr. is playing this little game of "lets stay up late every night mommy has to get up early" and its making me want to scream to be very honest. He is also spittinng up every time you pick him up or he bends over do to teething & oh.... it is also grab everything in sight time too; so the NO! Followed by the little tap on the hand has started. The sad part about this is - he is so much like his father that one freakn grin & I loose the straight face I had. WTF! I don't know what the type has on me but I'd like to know so I can get out from under it's grasp. He is sitting in the chair next to me slapping his thigh, new trick I guess - Idk! All slobber, smelling like spit up & I still just want to cuddle with him. Now he is slapping his knee. too funny. Guess I don't really have anything to write about...My mind is on over haul with my finals being due this wk in my classes & christmas & WORK stressing the fuck out of me becuz they got to call me every day about something so it is like I never get a day off! Diet & exercise - Fuck it. Im lucky if I eat & I don't have time to exercise right now...NO - i really do not! I have no time to move or sacrafice or get rid of - it is all important. Every second occupied - including 8 hrs of sleep that SUCKS! i wake up in more pain then when I went to sleep & there is NOTHING I can do about it. I need my friends yet have no time for them & when i do they are not available. 2mrw I get some TLC though...from Summer & I hope she realizes when i said " I really need this" Just how much that is so. Seems I may have lost one friend - Well that would make them not much of a friend to begin with but it still hurts so & I need some padding for the fall.
Well I stopped there for a bit to put the Pooker's to bed. then cleaned & put together the beef stew in the crock pot. Off to bed I go now. Snowing like a bitch but - eh....still got shit to do 2mrw, Be safe.