Fuck'n Damn it!

Sep 04, 2008 20:41

I AM TIRED, So tired but I got to get this shit out. What the fuck is wrong with people that they think they can judge someone. In my com140 class we are learning not to profile people in our writing. For example "because he is Mexican he eats tacos" or "because he WORKS AT A RETAIL STORE he is WELFARE". A persons job, occupation, looks, history, skin color, ethnic background or religion does not put them in a catagory - it does not soley define who they are. Have you ever stopped to think that the cashier you are demeaning at Walmart may just be smarter and/or even richer than you? I happen to know a waiter who can concieve more than you ever could fucking imagine & a cashier who - won the lottery yet still is wrking - hmmmm???  just because you wouldnt work there does not mean they r less of a class. Just because a part of the people who work there may be - does not mean they all are - INFACT - MOST are just working there to work because sitting on their ass all day or night is not interesting to them....because they want to contribute or have money of their own in whatever situatution they r in, because they r in school and need a less stress, more flexable job, because they r Fucking MOTHERS and want to be there for their kidsor how about in college working to be something better...for instance say a Psychologist who could possibly be bringing in a triple figure income someday & YOU are spitting on them? Im so pissed that I ran across this today & when I appropriatly pointed it out got told I was coping tude - k. Got nothing more to say on that. I wasnt but - k.  The next time you look at that person serving you your food, bagging your groceries, sweaping your mess up off the floor or whatever you find so able to belittle....REALIZE - THEY are a person just like you and breathe the same fucking air, need the same things & are working for it. YOU THINK IT BETTER I sit home on my ass & not contribute, be bored and unentertained? NIAVE! I am not confortable with living off another person - I like to take care of myself and if that means a job flippn burgers...so be it, besides I find it fun. The next time you want to be rude or talk down about that person - realize they could be god and even if not - HE IS WATCHING. fussy baby - got to go - PEACE  =)
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