I almost Died

Sep 23, 2004 12:31

So Im off today from work. And I decided to do alittle house work. A good friend of mine's Step-Mother gave me a vacum for the apartment because she knew that we didn't have one yet. A nice gift, yes. Well We hadn't used it yet, because its one of those older ones that still uses bags, but Chad and Martin got some bags, so we were set. Or so I thought. I began to Vacum the living room, our vacum is the loudest vacum in the entire world. It sounds like a jet engine on a plane. But it gets better, as I was vacuming my bedroom, SPARKS began to fly out of the machine. Into the air, and it got louder... I thought I was going to die. I immediatly yanked the cord out of the wall. And carried the "machine" to the door, to be taken to the dumpster when I leave. So now I need a NEW vacum. Just thought I would share.
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