May 03, 2004 03:45
Okay.. So it's like 3:45am. And I can't sleep. I just took Spencer back to his car, it's chilly outside. I should really be asleep now, but Im just not tired. I had a really fun night tonight though. I realized the other night, after Will pointed it out to me, that I have not updated my journal in a long time. So here I go.
Okay. So the past few weeks have been crazy busy, but really fun. I went to DC a couple of weeks ago to visit my friend Lindsay, I had a blast. I had to make the trek alone though. Spencer was supposed to go, but at the last minute he found out he couldnt go. But still yet, I had a good time. And the long drive alone wasn't so bad after all. I have also been spending alot of time with Angel here lately. I mean we always spend time together and hang out outside of work. But we have both been so busy moving and stuff that we weren't having as much time together. But the past couple of weeks have been great. Plus, I have been hanging out with Spencer alot here lately too. Been having a good time. Lot's of laughs had, and some really funny video's made too. :o) We are taking a trip at the end of the month to DC to visit my friend Lindsay again, and then take a train up to NYC to visit my friend Linde and go out and stuff. Im sure it will be great fun. Hopefully we will get plesantly suprised at The Roxy by surprise performer. My old roommate Linde got that shock one night with a show by Beyonce. That would be cool. Of course nothing could beat Seeing Britney. But hey, I'd settle for anybody. It would still be a good time.
But yeah. Thats a tiny update of things here lately. I would talk more, but I am actually getting tired now, So its off to bed for me. But I will catch you guys later.