Jun 22, 2003 05:14
Okay.. well i promised I would be back.. so here i am. okay, lets have a recap.
well friday:
i was off from work. i was gonna sleep in because i went out on thursday night.. but i had a meeting in the morning at 8 am. so i didnt get to sleep in that much. but after the meaning i went home and took a nice nap, then i met a friend of mine downtown for lunch at pete's. it was good. went back home.. blah blah blah.. nothing really exciting. i did go to dinner that night with martin and chad.. martin is now back from europe, i am so glad, i missed him alot. it was so good to see him.
-interjection- i forgot to mention that my parents are out of town for 10 days, they flew to florida, its great to have the house empty. anyone wanna come visit... i got plenty of room.. come on down :)
i slept in again today.. had a ruff night last night.. got home from the dinner and did laundry and stuff.. but i had a conversation last night that wasnt very pleasant. i mean it wasnt bad, but it was the start of a convo that was finished later on that day that just didnt make me smile.. to say the least.. it was really over somethign stupid that i shouldnt even be upset over, but still yet, thats just me.. so i did. but i am over it now.
finally got up after chad called me.. i slept so late that i missed a wedding i was supposed to go to. im sorry amy, please forgive me. but i went to chads and hung out. which is where i made a new friend, well yea i did make a new friend. after a long awaited reply to a comment, he and i have finally started to correspond with each other - its about time seb :) - but yea so thats always good.
after that i went to the Nighttime in the city festival, or some shit like that, i dont really know what it was called. but there were alot of people there, with alot of different kinds of music, it was a night, and it was in the "city" part of knoxville. so i think my name works. but regardless i got to see jason mraz, so that made everything okay. i love him. he is cute, he has an incredible voice, and i love his songs. so that was good. except for the cowboy and his mistress in front of us, and the large man who smelled REALLY bad that kept coming over to fix the light that was messed up.
well then i came home tonight, and i cleaned the house, did some laundry ( i have alot of laundry) and then i made a sandwich. got online, and talked to some friends. and i had an e-mail, which made me happy. i then spent quite a length of time responding to it, and i think that after about an 1 and a half i had written a novel. but at least its all done now, and as long as i didnt frighten him away with all of the info, then all is good.
shortly after finishing that, tiff called, as you read above.. well we went.. he wouldnt answer the door, and after she kicked it. we left. only i drove us home.. because at this point.. she was drunk. she had been drinkin on the way over there and i didnt know it. so.. i took her keys away, with a little resistenc, but I took them all the same.. and I drove us back. took her home, got my car, and here i am not. it is 5:40, i have to be at work at 9.. yuck. but yet here i go. I am about to head off to bed now. i am boo tired. but i will talk to all of you beautiful people later.. have a good night..