The days hurry by.
Monday I went down to the south of the island to buy some little bits to fill The Advent Calendar, then baked in the afternoon. Oh and got the proper die-cutting device out and cut out some shapes for Christmas cards that the small, hand cranked, one can't do.
Tuesday there was washing and stuff in the morning, and trying to sort out some stuff to do with the church website. Then I went to the 'Tuesday Group' in the afternoon, taking fruit loaf to share and my knitting. Except I forgot my cable needle... so amount of knitting done was zero!
Yesterday I went with a friend up to Ramsey to a Christmas craft session where we would meet another friend. It was a lovely morning where we made pretty fabric wreaths -
We also got a 'take-home' kit to make a hanging bauble using the same technique - I can see that being an hour or two over the next couple of days... Then we had lunch in Ramsey and I didn't get home until nearly 3pm - then tried to do a bit of writing as it is
picowrimo month. I managed 2 sentences - but I do sort of know how the two time lines are going to intertwine now. Then I decided I hadn't done any needle-felting for a while - and I have the picture and the right materials for a picture of a puffin I was going to do in July...
This morning I have tried to catch up here a bit - but must apologise as I only got back 2 or 3 days - sorry if I missed anything important. And I am sitting in the conservatory where I have just cut out a few more shapes for the children to use to make cards, the needle felting is sitting on the other chair, I can see a couple of knitted Christmas trees that need to be finished for the end of the month as part of a display - and the washing machine has just played its 'I'm finished' tune so i better go and hand out washing whilst it is still fine, and feed the birds!