Lifeboat,Garden, Travelator. Which is not our What Three Words address!!

Feb 03, 2024 20:57

So - lifeboat. As I mentioned it is the 200th anniversary of the founding of the RLNI. This is especially important to our island as Sir William Hillary, the founder, lived in Douglas and is buried here. As part of the celebration one of the knitting ladies is making a wall hanging to go in the town centre and asked me to needle felt her a lifeboat to save her working out how to knit one.

Here is a picture of the Douglas lifeboat;

And here is my felted version. She is very happy with it -

Garden - Barbie the camellia is well in flower already - her first buds began to open a week ago. I think this is earlier than last year.

My wee snowdrops are in flower, and behind you can see there are a lot of flower spikes on the miniature daffs.

And in the corner the hellebores, that didn't flower last year, are clearly going to do so this year!

As for the travelator... fellow Brits will know that, after many years, Gladiators has returned to our TV screens on Saturdays. D-d was here this afternoon and we were talking about it. She, and the NYM, were children when Gladiators was last a vital part of Saturday evening viewing, and are really pleased that 'they haven't mucked about and changed it' (As are we!). They watch together without the kids though, who aren't really bothered. "Too old", D-d said.
But, on the other hand, her friends with slightly younger children report that have already become big fans. When one friend said that they are having to build Gladiator games at home for their five-year-old D-d said she suggested they just take him to B&Q and get him to try running up the down travelator.

This seems such a good idea that I can now picture shop staff having to limit the number of tiny 'contenders' tackling it - and I also now want to see the actual contenders having to push a trolley full of DIY equipment up the one at the end of the eliminator!

craft, garden, small island

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