For anyone who is not an elderly Brit that subject will be meaningless - but there used to be a weekly programme on TV called 'That Was The Week That Was' - or TW3.
So this is the week that was, as I seem to have not posted since last Saturday. There has been quite a lot of knitting going on - much of it for Buitchyn Keirday (The Crafting Witches).
On Sunday the high spot was making a chocolate cake in a mug with the Sunday Schoolers - one talent/ingredient each was not much use to any of them, but if we put all the ingredients together and then added the power (of prayer or microwave...) to it the result was amazingly 'more' than the sum of its parts.
Monday was my usual day to volunteer in the bookshop - it is feeling very much like Christmas in there now! I was going to walk up the street to take pictures of the trees outside M&S but it was pouring with rain and blowing a hooley. Why was I going to go to take pictures? Because the first of our yarn bombings was there. Our small band of knitters and crocheters had produced a series of Hop-tu-Naa related things and they were now all adorning the trees. Although it was so windy I was pretty sure that some of the spiders, bats, ghosts, and turnip lanterns, were probably well out to sea by then! However, there is a picture taken by one of the others (along with a few other bits and bobs) under the cut -
You can see why we worried that some of them might have been blown out to sea - it is the grey you can see at the end!
Tuesday should have been straightforward. We have also been knitting poppies for Remembrance and they need to be gathered together by the 'chief witch'. We usually all get together at the Costa's in the Sea Terminal and I understood the recent chat on Whatsapp meant she would be there on Tuesday morning around 10.30. So I gathered up my poppies and headed off - but there was no sign of her, or any of the others... I had misunderstood and she meant Thursday.
So I decided to go and see if I could park at M&S and do some food shopping. Got a space, went to the payment machine, walked back to the car - and the front passenger side tyre was flat as a pancake. It certainly hadn't been when I drove up the curved ramp and reversed into the space. I am hopeless about flat tyres. All my years driving as a Community Nurse, I never had to do anything about a flat - I would just contact base and someone would come out and change it. This was seen as making sure it was done properly. And this car doesn't even have a spare tyre - it has a can of squirty stuff instead. But I didn't trust myself to drive far on it if I used that.
I rang our local garage. They couldn't send anyone out as they were short staffed, try this guy... who turned out to be off work with a back injury, but gave me another number - for someone else who was sorry but... By the time I got to the fourth company I was really stressed and when that guy told me their big van couldn't get into the M&S carpark I must have sounded it, as he reassured me that one of the lads would come in the little van, take the wheel off, bring it back to base and put a new tyre on and then return to me! This is what happened. By that time it was almost 1pm, I hadn't actually done any shopping - and I just went home.
Wednesday was another wet day. So was Thursday, but it was more interesting. NYK2 was coming to our house for the day as it is half-term. (Her brother is always welcome, too, but does his own thing these days.)
I picked her up, and then we went and met the head witch at Costas, handed over 18 knitted poppies, and had a chat about what we are doing next. Then home to pick up S2C before all 3 of us went out for brunch. Then, during the afternoon, NYK2 and I worked out how to convert the unfinished scarf she was knitting into a hat for baby Edith, we held the next round of her and S2C's ongoing Harry Potter Quiz Tournament, we made a cake using Nadiya's recipe for a
cake made from melted ice-cream, and discovered it worked really well. Ours was a plain cake, which we swirled nutella through before baking, as that was the ice-cream that was taking up space in the freezer!
We then made a Hop-tu-Naa lantern to go outside our house on Monday.
I made the initial incision, and got my hand in to take out a lot of his 'brains', then left her to it to make the face.
The cake worked well, we had dinner for the chippy, and took her home, along with a new (second hand) monitor for her computer, one of my mice as the left-click on hers doesn't work - and her witch's hat S2C bought for her from Armstreet as part of his ongoing support for Ukrainian business.
Then I flopped in a heap and kept falling asleep in front of the TV.
Yesterday involved more coffee with a friend, making a batch of beer bread to go with soup for dinner, and experimenting with needle-felting Christmas cards.
Today it is pouring with rain and blowing a hooley again - it is definitely heading to winter.
And that was the week, that was!