Transmitting Chapter Twelve; Wanted: a King and some Lords.

Jul 31, 2021 19:13

I'm on a roll - hopefully I will keep it up now even though we have finished July at picowrimo, but having written, I've now sat for about 15 minutes trying to think of a name for this chapter, because the rest are named! This name will have to do!

Transmitting, Chapter 12, Wanted: a King and some Lords
Word count 2,050

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returnverse, tolkien, transmitting, fic

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curiouswombat August 1 2021, 07:25:37 UTC
I know... but I promise to get on with the next chapter, too :)

I have also been teasing rather about the elleth who has taken their eye - in the past I have said Queen Ferveren has dark brown hair and described this particular elleth's personal hair ornamentation in almost exactly the same words that the Els do - she really is a Noldor...

I actually thought I had mentioned Rhîwen as a possible at some point - but bits get edited out and moved. She is not sure if Rhîwen would be enough to convince "His Royal Stubbornness", but reckons that if she can't reach that far alone, she may be able to find a way to join with either Tindómë or Haldirin in the way the Els did, and then Rhîwen would be a good target.

As for the ship - I am going to stick with my original story line, but for a few minutes I was tempted to say 'As it drew nearer the standard of King Thranduil could be seen flying at the masthead, the entire Royal family standing at the rail; after all Ithilienne's plotting, Thranduil had made the decision for himself." But I am going to stick to my original story line I think :)


epiphyta August 1 2021, 17:02:03 UTC
You know I'm happy about it, as there's not going to be a horrible surprise! (Unlike another author whose work I love, who decided eight chapters into a new story to work out some medical issues using the characters - as that was when my dear friend AJM went into hospital, I quietly tapped out of that fic.)

No, I think she's perfect. *g*

Hmmmmm - you did have Ithilienne looking thoughtful when Haldirin said Rhîwen wouldn't leave without her family, and then telling him "If she shows up before you get back, I'll make her welcome for you".

You left a hint in a previous chapter as to who might be on the ship, but I will happily wait to see if I am right!


curiouswombat August 1 2021, 18:30:35 UTC
Ah yes - Rhîwen said she didn't want to leave without her family as she didn't fancy trying to get to The Havens on her own - and I can see her point as it would be quit a trek.


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