Bus trip!

Jul 01, 2020 23:12

Today I ventured out on the bus for the first time since early March - and it was fine. The route has changed because of major road works, but at least I now know what route it takes. I went especially to call in at our little Christian bookshop where I volunteer, to get up to speed with the changes the manager has made, and also to be brought up to speed on using 'Pubeasy'. This is an online ordering service covering a large number of publishers, not actually a large number of pubs :)

I will take on the ordering for July as our young manager and her husband have permission to go off-island on compassionate grounds* (her father-in-law died in the UK from the virus some weeks ago), and after 10 days with his mother and sister they will be allowed to return to the island and then spend 14 days in isolation in their home before coming back to the shop.

Currently she only has the shop open 2 days a week, but as we volunteers are ready to return, we will open for 3 days each week, and see how we go.

*Our borders are still closed. If they simply went, without applying for it to be classed as a compassionate visit, they would not be allowed to return as they wouldn't have the paperwork to show they had understood and agreed to isolate in advance.


For the picture for today I give you the dark clematis, which is now opening more each day.

Also - we are doing picowrimo this month and I have spent over an hour writing Transmitting! At last...

pic a day, the plague

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