Easter Greetings!

Apr 12, 2020 22:29

Alleluia! I hope you have had a joyous Easter.

It was odd not going to church - but I spent the first hour or so after breakfast getting services from the URC and our local Methodist Circuit onto both the St Andrew's FB page and website. So many people doing much the same thing that some of it took me quite a while.

After all that I actually watched the BBC service where they used old recordings of the Easter hymns from Bangor Cathedral with new prayers and readings recorded there in an empty building. I will listen to the URC one tomorrow.

Although there were only the two of us I cooked what has become our traditional Easter lunch 'Anne's beef' after a friend who tragically died in a climbing accident. (There is a picture and recipe here) No naans though, I forgot to look for them when I was shopping earlier in the week.

I spent the afternoon conversing online with friends both near and far, and finshing off our other Easter traditional food -a trifle to have after cold beef sandwiches for tea.

It was not a bad trifle - it reminded me of my Mum's as it had a tin of fruit cocktail* in it rather than my prefered mixture of 'red fruit' - these days you take what you can get! It is actually in my fairly small stright sided glass dish but for some reason the picture makes it look as if it is a pudding basin!

*The fruit cocktail was very low on cherries - there were just two tiny slivers!

There is definitely enough for us tomorrow as well :)

I was reminded by a picture on wiseheart's journal that I have a picture of our Easter tree at church from an earlier Easter - so here is an extra Easter Greeting to all;

pic a day, church, food

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