365 Project, November 2nd - 8th.

Nov 08, 2015 21:24

Here is the past week in pictures.

Monday was very misty. I took this picture down the promenade. You should be able to see the sea behind this branch which is, I think, the seed pods of a Cordyline. I actually like it much better with just the thick mist.

For the rest of the week

Tuesday Mum had an appointment at the Eye Clinic - my sister took her. We met for coffee afterwards, before my sister took Mum home - and as it is now November they have their festive chocolate stencils out!

Mum said the appointment basically went 'You still can't see out of your right eye, you can still see out of your left one - see you in 6 months time'. But still reassuring that the sight is holding up in the good eye.

Wednesday was Knit and Natter afternoon. I have been knitting a bright colourful blanket for the group who go out to Uganda - they give them to new Mums in the poorest areas. (This is the group who also take out bras.)

It was almost finished by the end of this week's session. I almost need sunglasses to knit it - but all the others keep admiring it and Richard, who goes out to Uganda regularly, says the bright colours always go first...

The pattern really is in nice neat waves - I just took the picture where it was on the settee, and it is still on the needles at the top.

Thursday - I was looking for a particular type of Florist's ribbon at the Garden Centre - and they have their Christmas Village set up. I took quite a few pictures - but this is the picture of the day -

On Friday I went for lunch with D-d - as mentioned in my previous post. It was a damp, grey, day. As we walked down towards town from the museum she pointed this out to me, on Douglas Head -

Can you see what caught her eye? There is a Remembrance Poppy on Douglas Head. I did a more zoomed picture - but I think I prefer this one, where you can see the surroundings, and how it will be visible to every boat coming in and out of the harbour.

On Saturday I had to go food shopping. But I also had a walk along the promenade, as it wasn't raining, and took this just because I like still lives with seaweed.

Today there was a howling gale - I was very glad I was not at any of the outdoor Remembrance Services. Our service in church was very good; the preacher's husband plays trumpet and we had a proper playing of the last post. This is a picture of the art work the children made.

And now... a bonus picture! The Labyrinth Group (which includes D-d and some of her friends) have been doing a History in Heels presentation all weekend, at The House of Manannan - and S2C and I went to one of the performances this afternoon. It was quite a difficult venue for them as Labyrinth is a number of small scenes, bringing history to life, with the audience moving around the building with our guide from one area to another, and this time both performers and audience had to work around some wonderful, life sized, display tableaux. However they did an excellent job.

Part of the history included the women who worked in the factory where the tiny Peel Cars were made. S2C had never really visualised just how tiny these one person cars were. So here he is standing beside it, where it was parked after the performance before being taken back for the next one. Don't worry - he volunteered to do this, to give a proper idea of scale - this is his regular photograph face....

Then we stopped off at a favourite eatery on the way home for a really good dinner - whilst D-d et al had two more performances to go - and will be finishing in the next half hour or so.

S2C asked me to point that last picture out to kazzy_cee - he says it makes her Swatch car look like a limousine!

365, d-d, small island

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