D-d has set off back to York - I took her to the airport this afternoon, and she should be back in her house by now.
Last night being her last evening at home for a while, we had a house full of young women in their early twenties, and I spent the evening closeted upstairs, leaving them to their pizza, films and gossip. S2C commented this morning that it was clear that the house had been full of women all evening - apart from the pizza and salad they also managed to eat 1kg (2.2lbs) of chocolate and a tray of chocolate brownies between the ten of them... I mainly spent the evening reading and writing - but actually uploading pictures and posting them is somehow easier back in my usual place.
So - there are a couple of landscape pictures and some Christmas themed ones this week - also some where I have been 'playing' with instant effects in Photo-plus, sparked off by something in
cairistiona7's journal.
Firstly a couple of pictures taken late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. I took a Christmas wreath down to the family grave -
They had had less snow than we had - but even so it was still lying. You can just make out the shadows of the Cumbrian hills on the horizon, too. I decided that I really like that picture - and have also 'tinkered' a bit to produce the 'painted' version -
Indoors it was warmer...
I took a few pictures of the decorations, the other day - this is our Christmas tree -
And these are a few of the other bits - firstly one of the new 'angel' lights that sit on the mantelpiece -
And my rather suitably festively dressed teddy - and S2C's Christmas cushion -
Here are a couple of the small felt hangings that adorn the greenery on the shelf above the television -
This is a goldberry from the small swags on picture frames -
The electric 'candle-bridge' in the window reflected, through the voile, in the double glazing to give this multi-row effect.
And a couple of pictures of baubles on the tree -
But then I began to play -
The goldberry - turned into a kaleidoscope picture -
The first bauble picture can give this;
Or even this;
And the second bauble picture can be played with to get this:
The candle-bridge/voile picture produced this;
And then, the flying saucer version!
Finally - back to reality - these are some logs sitting in my neighbours front garden waiting to be chopped and go onto their fire, I presume -
And, completely back to reality, I go back to work tomorrow, after 2 whole weeks off. I expect there will be at least 30 messages on my voice-mail but the 'good' news is that, almost inevitably, 4 or 5 will be from someone who hasn't listened to the message and rung back, over and over, to ask why I didn't get back to them - if it's anything like usual.
Now, as it is almost 9pm, on JRR Tolkien's birthday, I will join other fans world-wide, and raise a wee glass to the memory - it's sort of like Burns' night without the piper and the haggis!