you need to see this because:
1) it has bunnies. that alone should make you want to see it.
2) it features the music of my brother's friend, Farsheed, AKA Zirafa. is his site, click on "picsounds" and check out the second picsound called Roger Deakins, the picture featured was actually "drawn" by my brother, it started with a page covered entirely with charcoal and he used an eraser to draw the picture...yeah, he took an entirely black page and erased the picture into it [our out of it?]...fucking amazing.
you should really go to this site and support this guy and his music, it's amazing stuff, and it's one guy!!! He does all the instruments/sampling/etc by himself. If that doesn't impress suck.
OH YEAH!! TODAY IS THE DAY THE PIC I TOOK IS ON COLLEGEHUMOR.COM! .............yeah...sorry, I'm a dork :(
but yeah it's under the "signs" category in the pictures section