Good News/Bad News

Nov 29, 2008 08:19

The Good News is, I'm done at the Dog Ranch.

The Bad News is, as I was heading over there last nite, just as I passed Pasadena, 3 engine lites came on on my dashboard. "Check Engine", ok I know that's not good; "Trac Off", not sure what that means;, "VSC" wtf is VSC????

So I turned around and came home, cuz being stranded on La Tuna Canyon after Midnite is not an experience I want, even tho I am a badass, lol.

Made it home ok, thank you God, called in, they were actually ok with it, cuz a lot of dogs went home yesterday, so they can handle it with 3 people. Yay. I did not want to leave them in the lurch.

Good news, I got to sleep in my own bed, for a full 8 hours, score. Bad news, I wanted to quit face-to-face, not over the phone, which I am going to have to do now. :-(

Worst news, I have to get my car in and find out wtf is going on with it.

That car has never given me one minute's trouble when the bank owned it. Does it somehow know that I recently received the pink slip to it?


But, I am home. So it could have been much, much worse.

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