Random thoughts...

May 26, 2008 16:46

...while driving. Really random, but this bird dove in front of the car, and this is the result...

Extreme Bird Games, A Beginner's Manual (excerpt)

Welcome to the exhilarating sport of Dive Bombing. While somewhat dangerous, this sport is enjoyed by many young birds, excellent for developing additional flying skills.

While such skills can be useful in avoiding other more predacious birds, this sport is very dangerous, and both the beginner and expert should remember the following cautions:

  1. The machines humans move around in are very dangerous if touched while moving. Beginners must account for plenty of room before executing a dive. Even brushing against the moving things is discouraged.
  2. Injuries may also bring the affected bird to the attention of humans, which is to be strenuously avoided if you would like to remain in the same area.
  3. It is proven that while a few humans will bring injured creatures to specialized homes for injuries, most other humans will kill injured creatures immediately. It is, therefore, advisable to leave the area if movement is still possible after hitting the moving things.

If the beginner remembers the cautions listed above, and takes suitable precautions, dive bombing is an enjoyable pastime.

I wonder if there should be more cautions? Or cautions for readers?

extreme bird sports

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