Ok, so earlier this week I got around to making a homemade pin with the name of my favorite candidate for the upcoming 2008 presidential elections, Ron Paul. And so, I decided to post more information about the man here for people to see for themselves what he's like and why I support him.
Ron Paul Local Meetup Group Ron Paul Speeches on Youtube, you can find more by searching for him there as well.
Ron Paul Election WebsiteArticles Written by Ron Paul Quotes by Ron PaulStack Your Candidate Against Ron Paul's Record Article On a somewhat related note, here's some fun stuff about Thomas Jefferson as Dr. Paul is a bit of a Jeffersonian.
Quotes by Thomas JeffersonHealth Habits of Thomas Jefferson Stories about Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson and the Jockey is my favorite as it reminds me to keep my temper cool.
Please feel free to comment about what I've posted here as I would enjoy to hear what people think of Dr. Paul or Thomas Jefferson for that matter.