M e s s a g e 1 7

Jan 07, 2011 04:30

Attention all Wonderlandianeseians!

This is your...well not your captain, I don't think. Aren't captains only for boats? Or maybe for these too...but I don't think I'm really a captain either way. This was just here, and the button was there to be pushed, and I couldn't very well not push it, could I? That would just be nonsense!

I think I was supposed to say something though, something important...oh! Keep all of your trays in the upright position! Or the downright position, I suppose. Whichever is the right direction for the circumstance - just so long as it's not the upwrong! That won't do at all.

Oh, but yes! There will be some turbulence, and some shaking and quaking and floating and moaning and sconing and toning and droning and phoning and I'm sure you've all got the idea now, since I've explained it so thoroughly!

It will be fine though; everyone should stay calm and calmish and such. There's nothing to be feared except the shaking things and the shooting things, you know. But I doubt it will matter much - I haven't seen anyone here yet today! How curious indeed...

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