
Sep 28, 2009 19:01

In order to make my day seem more pleasant in retrospect, I will use animated .gifs to insert a bit of much-needed frivolity into my first day of prac.

Alrighty. So I turned up nice and early... unfortunately there were no other students to be seen anywhere. Had I gotten myself all confused and turned up on the wrong day?? Seems like something I'd do.

I freaked out for a second there...

However, using my mad internets skillz, I discovered that I was indeed in the right place on the right day - everyone else had just ARRIVED AT A MORE APPROPRIATE TIME... geez, you guyz. Don't do that.

But I got to have a nice hot breakfast due to my being so damn early. So there.

Anyway, eventually we all got herded into the big room thing where we all had to wait until our names were called to go up to the wards. At first, our group (the students I'd worked with before) were all quite optimistic about how this prac would go - the last rotation was awesome, right? We were all...

Then we met our facilitator who was all...

Then we were all...

Don't get me wrong - I'm sure she's a real good nurse... she's just a bit... well I don't think I saw her crack a smile the entire shift, and her explanation of how she would be working with us/marking us was so vague we ended up leaving the 'getting to know you' session going:

The majority of the shift was spent with us trying to avoid her giving us the side-eye. Good times. I had to refrain from doing this:

Anyway, I think it's going to take at least a week for us to adjust to it all. Yeah.
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