Jan 02, 2004 09:59
Why is it that year after fucking year I have shitty new year's eves...yet year after year i get hyped up about it again? i'm not asking for too much! i'm not expecting too much! all i want is for people not to be RUDE MOTHERFUCKERS, for parties not to be filled to the brim (minus our small group) with fratboys who go to art school and have liprings. The only good things about my night:
*i did kiss someone at midnight. 2 someones. 2 girls. rock the penny and trish
*they played fucking pantera...hahaha...pure metal humor
*we now know the truth about a "friend"
*sarah is getting a dragon tattoo on her foot that will be 'misabortioned'
*we ate yummy hollywood grill
*i made drunk phone calls but didn't embarrass myself
*i didn't have a hangover
next year? i'm GOING to get laid. damnit.