Train of Thought

May 15, 2011 16:50

It's been a bit quiet around here lately, hasn't it?

This is the reason: I feel like I'm stuck in a complete rut, creating-wise.

I guess it's not really something anyone can help with (unless anyone has some helpful words of wisdom they can share?), but I just feel the need to get it off my chest - so please forgive this minor rant, Friends' List!

See, this is what happens: I get all motivated and enthusiastic about a new project; everything starts well, and for a while I'm motoring along quite happily, making good progress, when suddenly I seem to hit a brick wall. This is usually about the time when I'm trying to put the finishing touches to something - tweaking the final textures, dealing with minor mapping issues, eliminating weird shinyness in-game, etc. I just seem to reach a point where nothing I try to do works as intended, so I get incredibly frustrated with the whole business and decide to put the project on hold for a while. Then I start a new project thinking maybe this time I will actually be able to complete something, and the exact same thing happens.

As a result, I have god knows how many nearly-finished projects lying around that I can't face dealing with, as it just gets me too wound up when I can't resolve the problems that made me put them aside in the first place. Grrrr.

I'm not sure whether this is a case of extreme perfectionism, or just plain lack of skill/ability/talent.

Anyway, suffice to say, I'm heartily fed up with myself - and my projects folder - at the moment. I have so much new stuff I'd like to be able to share, but I just can't get the damn things finished to my satisfaction. Humph.

OK, rant over - I know there are far, far worse problems to have than this - but I just wanted to have a bit of a grumble to the only people who are likely to understand. Now I'm off to make a comforting cuppa.


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