
Jun 04, 2007 16:33

it hurts so much when i hit the ground.

im looking for a particular george right now, oh where has he been!

i'v quit my alliances with the animal groups recently, don't ask me why. hmm.. but i'll tell you anyway.
do you know all the groups , all right, MOST , of them are so bloody rich in the bank and it makes you wonder
where all the $ kachiings $ has been going to? after shimad, a ranger in the india tiger reserves told me his only son died because he didnt have enough $ to pay for his medical bills, i felt i had to do something. going up the ladder to the main office in the European Union, i realize there's so much bullshit and paper that writes off the $ to unknown sources. if we cant trust animal conservation networks, i don't know who to work for anymore.

i'v just spoken to my team and we'v agreed to pool all our resources in for the big one in china. this time we'll be going in all alone to do a full - coverage. its time we do something i really feel for. tiger farms.

im going full time into my collective as well, great news. i think i'v worked quite enough on the field.

hopefully with the change of depressing jobs of handling animals to people, i may come back to my journal with more of smile then a broken heart.

i am looking for poison pens, people who dare to write and be critiqued upon heavily, spread the word and mail us
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