Apr 12, 2005 14:17
eeek didnt go to school again! hehe its wierd thow im not used to staying home sick like this.. but im good now i went to the doctors and well aparently i have alergies that i never knew i had and it made my throat all swollen and me feeling yucky so now i take these huge pink pills until im better and naselnex? haha nose spray ewwww anyways school is almost over and well im happy as can be! starting to get my plans all set for the summer and so far they are looking good!! and very exciting! it should def. be a good one! a few weeks in wisconsin!? maby a month?? dunno but then a week or 2 in chicago with my jessi dear! hopefully lets cross fingers! and then the beach!! whoo hoooo yay im stoked! so thats all i kno of so far.. but knoing my family they will spring last minute travel plans and decide to go somewhere...... but i wanna keep it easy this year and not travel so much.. hopefully i can stay home for a good portion of the summer!