Feb 20, 2010 22:09
I read the last few entries. Kind of interesting to see life going at such a fast pace. Let's see, we had a lot of fun with the store and met some great people, but it was so much work for not much money and we have let it go. We opened in September of '07 and our last day there was January 23, 2010. It wasn't a long run, but we certainly learned a lot and had some great experiences. The biggest lesson I learned was to place a higher value on my personal time. Kind of curious to see what comes next, but for now I am enjoying the down time.
Nick is a sophomore now, he was invited to preview days and to apply at Indiana Academy. We've filled everything out and he scored well on his SAT (except for the essay part). He doesn't seem like exactly what they are looking for, but it's worth a shot. Brandon is in his last semester at VU. Adam is a Freshman at IU and just signed a lease on an apartment for next year. He's looking into the Air Force, we'll see how that goes.
Things have been back and forth with Toyota. Overtime one month, days off the next. With luck, things will smooth out soon and all of this recall stuff will be behind them.
I'd like for us to get back to some house projects soon. At this point the foyer has a new ceiling and fresh drywall. I've got a project goals list for 2010 (of course). Here's hoping!