App for Last Voyages

Nov 12, 2011 12:18

User Name/Nick: Ruka
User LJ: blitzbrained
AIM/IM: AIM: RukaCactus
Other Characters: n/a

Character Name: Kel'Thuzad
Series: Warcraft
Age: ...Um. THIS IS DIFFICULT uh he was about 40-50 when he became the Lich King's servant and then DIED and got revived into a lich and then hung out in Naxxramas after the war. So he's probably in his 60s-70s, at the very least.

From When?: Just after being defeated by the heroes of Azeroth, who stormed his citadel and defeated him again.
Inmate/Warden: Inmate - he used to be vaguely neutral before pledging himself to the Lich King, but after coming into the Lich King's service started a cult to worship the Lich King as a god, assisted in spreading the Scourge throughout Lordaeron, and generally spread death and destruction across the land.
Item: N/A
Abilities/Powers: Necromantic ability to raise and command the dead and accelerate living things within a certain radius into a state of decay; also able to fire blasts of ice and control the minds of others. Is also able to craft illusions and teleport.

On the Barge itself, his powers will be limited to weak illusory magic (to hide his true form).

As an innately magical being revived by the power of the Sunwell, magic is tied into his body - without any magical energy, he is unable to walk (as he lacks a lower body) and would not be able to complete most tasks that required physical strength satisfactorily, if any. In order to be mobile, he will need to tap into what could be defined as his magical 'life force' in order to perform actions (such as moving or performing basic tasks.)
Personality: One of Kel'Thuzad's defining traits has always been his thirst for knowledge - and exactly how far he will go to pursue that knowledge, at the cost of all else. However, despite this, he is intelligent - pragmatic and cautious, he rarely makes rash decisions, and is always on hand to counsel others in the next move to take. He has almost infinite patience, and rarely gets angry - if at all. The few times he does get angry, the offenders tend to be chased off or exploded by minions or spellcasting, and he quickly calms.

He has never liked the company of those that he considers to be 'lower than him' in terms of knowledge, but are of equal or higher standing. To those he looks down upon, he is often condescending, sarcastic and disrespectful - although his arrogance towards his peers and superiors was largely a result of the Lich King's influence. With most people, however, he tends to be subtly sarcastic, but overall patient and even diplomatic at points. This is more due to the fact that he still recognises the need to be polite, and being condescending to everyone he met wasn't a good way to sway followers to the cause.

He has no problems sacrificing those under his command to achieve some goal not immediately evident, and acts according to what he sees as the best and most efficient way of accomplishing it - no matter the cost in lives. He is resourceful and ruthlessly sensible when it comes to managing forces and resources in battle, favouring no tactic except the one that will help him achieve his goal the fastest. He plans and commands for all opportunities he can see in the immediate future; this tends to backfire a little, however, if something sudden and destructive pops up, as this can shatter many of his options. He is nothing if not resilient, however, and if he retreats it is only to think of another way around the newest obstacle that stands in the way of his ultimate goal. Every setback is merely something that can be worked around, in the fullness of time - and being undead, he has plenty of time.

Despite showing no sympathy towards most people, he is unusually affectionate (for a given value of 'affectionate') towards animals, and occasionally people he feels responsible for or those who need to be 'taken care of' (like Arthas). In time, he may even develop friendships with people he feels responsible for - he had at least developed a bond with Arthas, before he became the Lich King. He is not incapable of some empathy, and is able to be charismatic and persuasive when he needs to be (as he was singlehandedly responsible for starting up the Cult of the Damned), but for the most part, he tends not to make significant connections to people; he usually ignores them or deals with them only if he has to.

At heart, he's not completely cold - but he has changed significantly over the years. He's become more bitter, callous and more introverted, completely content to isolate himself in Naxxramas with the last scraps of his humanity, and rule from there. Once, he would have been more open to the idea of a possible redemption, but for now, he's descended into a darker place, and seems more than happy to lock himself away from the rest of the world and stay in it, rejecting the company of any sentient living thing. He is no longer as measured and rational as he once was, preferring to experiment with patchwork creatures and unholy abominations in Naxxramas rather than go out among his followers; now more of a mad scientist than a researcher or advisor. His mental state has deteriorated even more - but to what extent, only Kel'Thuzad can say.

Path to Redemption:

While Kel'Thuzad has spent at least as the right-hand commander of the Scourge, his loyalty seems to stem, at least initially, from sheer terror of the consequences should he fail in his tasks. One possible way to start him on the path to redemption is to force or coax him to work through that fear, as the Lich King has already fallen - however, if Ner'zhul were to show up, this progress would most likely be made redundant, as he would fall back into old patterns in order to please the one he has pledged both his life and unlife to.

He also never started out as wanting to become what he is now; becoming the right hand of an undead evil took its price from his mental state and sanity. He initially thought of attempting to overthrow the Lich King, but that thought was quickly dashed. Getting him to remember and pursue his own interests would be enough to draw him out of his shell and perhaps even start him onto another path - one of his own choice, this time. Getting him to become more 'human' again and getting him to become interested in the world of the living rather than the dead is, at the very least, a good start.

History: Everything from here down because he has a stupidly long history.

Sample Journal Entry:

...What is this?

What is happening here?

I would like to know where I am, because this is certainly not where I was intended to be. And furthermore, I am needed elsewhere. The rest are not likely to be able to handle a power vacuum in my absence, after all - they have trouble commanding their own forces as it is.

Sample RP:
Kel'Thuzad was not happy. In fact, 'not happy' was an understatement to how foul his mood currently was.
He'd been killed, first of all, and that tended to be defined as a bad start to the day. For him, death was more of an inconvenience than an actual ending to anything, but he'd found that dying - no matter how small it was in the scheme of things - tended to be difficult, painful and irritating. Especially when it was by a band of upstart adventurers, although that wounded his pride more than anything else (but events in the past had rendered him more than a little uncaring about his pride; he'd thrown himself into the tasks given to him, and tried not to think about anything else. How well this worked varied).

Secondly, he'd woken up in a strange room that was clean (something he wasn't used to in the slightest, as he generally spent all of his time in the plague wings) and uncomfortably unfamiliar. 'Modern' would be the word he would have used, if he'd had any knowledge of such things. And he'd woken up, which was novel in itself. Being dead had the side effect of rendering you incapable of unconsciousness, voluntarily or involuntarily. It made sense; you didn't need to breathe or eat or any of those other pesky biological functions, so sleeping wasn't required for an undead body either. That didn't mean it didn't take some getting used to, but after seven years Kel'Thuzad was well and truly used to it.

And thirdly, his phylactery was missing. That, especially, bothered him; it was his means of coming back from dying again, and without it he'd be significantly less of a thorn in everybody's side (at least, everybody who wasn't the Scourge. The Forsaken didn't count). He'd instinctively groped for it, for no reason he could fathom, and had found it absent.

He stayed there for a while, brooding over these thoughts. He'd rather not get up until he felt like it or was forced.

Eventually, he turned his head and managed to raise himself up, with some difficulty; his magic appeared to have been drained somehow, or locked so he couldn't gain access. More irritating problems.

He peered at the strange device sitting on the table, inspecting it closely, turning it over in his hands. No doubt there would be more people on this ship - living people. Best not to reveal his own undead state until it was necessary.

He focused, and magic sparked along his bones, forming the illusion of flesh. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do; he had hardly any magic to use that didn't come directly out of the natural power he was imbued with.

He stared at the device for a long moment, then pressed a button. Time to figure out where he was.
Special Notes: N/A

app, tlv

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