Dec 19, 2006 22:19
hello the grand total of no one that reads my journal hehe
i'm really bored so writing randomly in my journal.
In that vain, I shall vent my anger about my laptop. As we speak I am using my dad's work laptop as mine is STILL broken.... when i say 'still' i mean that having sent it away five weeks ago and got it back on saturday, two weeks after the date it was meant to be returned, the problem it went with is still there! grrrr
It also would not allow me to turn on my wireless connection, and disabling and re-enabling the device would not work. So, not being a computer wizz, I could not go on the wireless network at home. So not only was my laptop still not fixed, it had a new problem!
So i dutifully wrote to the dear people that were meant to make it work. They kindly wrote back a three line email, "Thanks for you email, Have you tried Fn + F11, Regards". Ok, so one of my problems was now fixed... but one that they created! I mean how the hell was I meant to know that? That isn't written down in anything I have or ever been shown! But that I'm willing to let go in case I'm just not too aware of computer shortcuts.
BUT they completely ignored the other half of my email. THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT!!! I CANNOT use my laptop cause it will not take on charge! Why the hell did they not reply about that!
The most annoying thing is that my warranty has now run out, but I'll be damned if I'm paying for a problem that they just haven't fixed. it was within warranty when I sent it off so they better fix it.
So I wait with baited breath for the next installment of this saga and hopefully I won't have to go another term without my laptop to write essays on!
well, rant over.... nice to get it off my chest lol, with no scared party :P