icky and yuck and stuff... oh an ouch too

Apr 30, 2005 22:36

I just had surgery on Thursday and I have to say I am a big baby afterwards. I really don't like having my body invaded and things moved around and such!

They did three things at once, septoplasty(my septum was deviated), endoscopic sinus suregery to clear out my sinuses and a turbinate reduction to help me breathe better. All of which now just sucks because I can't breathe in the slightest! I was in the ER last night ( for like 6 hours!!) because the blood had clotted so badly i was swallowing too much and every time i cleaned my wound i was bleeding like mad.

It is all rather nasty and I think I'll shall avoid surgery from here on out.

Although I would have been happy if they had kept giving me morphine! I got 3 shots before I left the hosptal and this was a day surgery type deal. That part rocked but now I'm on tylenol 3's and wishing I didn't know about all the better pills that I could be taking.

I look like i got the shite punched out of me but am feeling better each day so I guess that's comforting... thinking that work on Monday is a big no for me though but we shall see.

I noticed a little while ago that i could actually see the splints that they put in my nose to support my septum and i think it moved forward during the night so I may be back in the ER tomorrow getting that looked at, it better not take that long if I have to go back though becuase that shite was not fun at all.

My poor baby girl is going crazy not being able to do stuff with me, she wants attention and I can only do things in small spurts so it's been hard on us. Speaking of whic i need to go check on her and take my pain pills before I start hurting again.


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