Who is responsible for creating the homosexual agenda? I keep hearing about it. I am so curious.
Well...in case you didn't know, "The Day of Truth" is coming up. What you ask is that? It's the day after the Day of Silence (see
http://www.dayofsilence.org ), and is meant to enlighten us and counter the "homosexual agenda."
What's amazing is that the Day of Truth group wants students to pass out cards that read, in part: "I believe in equal treatment for all, and not special rights for a few. I believe in loving my neighbor, but part of that love means not condoning detrimental personal and social behavior."
Huh? They believe in "equal treatment?" I think not. And, what exactly is the detrimental personal and social behavior they speak of? Hmmm...maybe they should read the latest study to come out on abstinence. You know that one that found that teens who pledge to remain virgin until marriage are or likely to take chances with other kinds of sex that increase the risk of STDs. And, unbelievable, those who pledged virginity are more likely to have (insert drum roll) ANAL SEX!! HAHA!
I just love how the conservatives always talk about the homosexual agenda, and find it necessary to counter everything. They really need to get lives...maybe join a bowling league or something.