Title: The one who watches the Watchers
Pairing: Hyunjoong/Jungmin
Genre: AU, Drama
Rating: PG-15 for death, coarse language
Summary: There are those who watch the world, watching to intervene, to correct. They are the ones who keep the world running, to keep the evil out and the good in.
Then, there are the ones who watch them.
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So many twists and turns and I'm so glad it worked out in the end because the end of the first part had be seriously doubting there was any amiable conclusion to Hyun being the one to kill Saeng.
Oh 2YS...Jongwoon you're an idiot. You couldn't just do what Saeng said, could you? You had to push the envelope. And Saengie, I wanna smack you over the head. Revenge for something that wasn't even the Watcher's fault. But love makes fools out of all of us.
Jungmin is so relatable here, and I love how you wrote him. And the whole bit about him getting pissed about cryptic responses reminded me so much of our rp XDDD
Kyu is sweet, trying to give Jungmin a way to find the truth even if he has vows to keep. And Joonie is even more adorable, in the short time he was shown. The secret keepers seem like a very interesting part of this !verse. Actually, the whole !verse is super exciting, like a brave new world.
And for 90% of the fic had me thinking ILLUMINATI!!!! /bricked
I love you so much eeeeeeee <3333333
And yes Min was a bit influenced by the RP.
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