Title: Attack
curia_regisFandom: Primeval
Characters: OFC, Connor
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author Notes: Written for
primeval100's challenge: Doctors and Nurses
Amelia stared at the patient lying on one of her ER beds. "Who brought him in?" she asked one of the nurses who was bustling around.
The nurse shrugged. "He was found in a park somewhere, I think. A passerby rang for an ambulance. It looks like a wild animal got him, doesn't it?"
That was an understatement, Amelia thought as she snapped on gloves and gingerly peeled away the blood-soaked clothing from one of the wounds. The man on the bed moaned. Amelia leaned closer to hear him whisper, "Abby."
She frowned and hoped nobody else had been attacked.