Dear Yuletide author,

Nov 08, 2009 21:48

Dear Yuletide author,

I signed up under my pen name Ayla Pascal.

Eeee! I'm so excited. Basically, the following is a list of my likes, dislikes, squicks and some random things about the fandoms. But above all, have fun! ♥ The original request is included with each fandom in italics.

Oh and here is a link to my previous Yuletide letter, which might give you a tiny bit more information.

Generally, I know I've requested both het and slash and that you are under no obligation to write me either. I'm totally okay with gen using any of the characters I've put down. I adore plot, but it doesn't have to be hugely epic or anything.

I cannot legally read underage sex. I don't think this will be a problem given the fandoms I've chosen, though. I'm not sure how one would decide what underage sex is in The Animals of Farthing Wood, but I really don't want Charmer as a cub. One of my squicks is people not using names in fics and instead addressing the characters by their titles. An example would be: "The green-eyed man kissed the Potions Master." I want their names to be used and I want them to be used consistently (so no switching between their first name and last names). I don't want scat or golden showers or vomit. That's basically it when it comes to squicks.

I don't really have a preference when it comes to other kinks; however, at the end of the day, I think that tending towards the more vanilla end of the spectrum might work better for Keeping Up Appearances and The Big Bang Theory.

Keeping Up Appearances: Emmet/Richard

Original Request: I would love to read a Richard/Emmet fic slash fic. Gen is also okay, but slash would really make my day! I don't mind infidelity on Richard's behalf. Please, please, please keep to the very British tone of the show; i.e. no Americanisms. I would really like it if Hyacinth was in there as a minor (or major!) character, complete with her very amusing lines. A Hyacinth-directing-Richard-while-driving scene would really make my day! Any rating is fine! I will have a post up on my LJ detailing more of my likes after sign-ups are finished.

I'm pretty sure that most of Keeping Up Appearances is up on YouTube. Here is the link to the first episode. The wiki article might also help. I really love the clichéd things that Hyacinth says so I'd love that to be kept. I know I didn't request her though, so I understand if that's difficult.

If you decide on gen, I don't really have a preference for Richard or Emmet. If you have Hyacinth singing at Emmet (maybe something from The Sound of Music?), I'd love you forever! I don't mind if you bring in female or male OCs, but I'd prefer them not to play a major role.

bucketresidence is a LJ community for Keeping Up Appearances fic and I adore every fic that's on that community.

The Animals of Farthing Wood: Charmer/Scarface

Original Request: I would love a Scarface kidnaps Charmer story. Please don't just gloss over the Charmer/Ranger relationships though! Otherwise, I'd like some sort of one-sided obsession over Charmer by Scarface. Perhaps he didn't die? Perhaps Scarface and Fox ended up having a truce? I will have a post up on my LJ detailing more of my likes after sign-ups are finished. Any rating is fine!

This is also up at YouTube. I'm afraid I don't really know the first season too well, so I'd really want it to be set inside White Deer Park. I figure given that I chose characters from the second season onwards, this is probably a given anyway.

I'm totally okay if you don't want to go graphic with this fic, since it does involve ... well... foxes. *g*

The Big Bang Theory: Penny/Sheldon

Original Request: I would love for this to be a romantic (or as romantic as Sheldon could possibly be!) story between Penny and Sheldon. I'd love it if Sheldon was the one who ended up asking Penny to pretend to be his girlfriend for some reason. However, if that proves impossible, Penny asking Sheldon to pretend to be her boyfriend/husband/lover would also be awesome! I really would like Sheldon to stay as in character as possible though. I will have a post up on my LJ detailing more of my likes after sign-ups are finished. Any rating is fine!

I have so much love for random geek!talk from Sheldon. I really don't mind if gen fic involving Sheldon and Penny. I don't mind if Leonard and Penny are together in the fic. I'm really pretty easy when it comes to this fandom. ♥ If you want to write a gen fic, I will love you forever if you have Sheldon saving the world from giant sunflowers that eat people (think The Day of the Triffids). *g* Or Sheldon saving the world from ... something!

Animorphs: Visser Three/Elfangor

Original Request: I would love you forever if you wrote an Elfangor/Visser Three story. There was so much love/hate between them in canon! Perhaps Visser Three could trick Elfangor and they could end up stuck somewhere. I will have a post up on my LJ detailing more of my likes after sign-ups are finished. Any rating is fine!

Something involving Visser Three, Elfangor and the Ellimist would be fantastic! Otherwise, something that shows Visser Three's obsession with Elfangor. Again, I don't mind if it's genfic. I also don't mind if there's heavy angst or character death or anything like that. I'd really prefer if you stuck with book rather than TV series canon, mostly because I haven't a clue how they diverge. Also, I don't really remember much out of the last ten novels, so I'd be really happy if you sort of pretended that they didn't exist. Then again, if you want to use aspects, that's fine too, but please explain any strange words that pop up. *g* Otherwise, I might be a little confused.
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