
Oct 14, 2009 09:04

You're after my robot bee!
Harvard got a $10 million grant to build a colony of robot bees. Sure, they're resistant tot he beepocalypse. But consider what happens when someone gets thr bright idea to start putting cameras on them. Are you prepared?
Marvel fails, again.
"Sexy" Halloween costumes. That look nothing like the charcater's outfits at all. One of them is for a character that doesn't exist. Well, okay, the Emma Frost one is pretty accurate.
Five Comic Book Costumes for Women that Won't Turn You Into a Sex Object
Also includes five costumes for men that *will* get you objectified.
Wanna pet zebra?
Scientists work on the genetics of domestication. StB: don't read this story. They do things to rats you won't like.
The Power of Hypnosis
Scientists propose using hypnosis to study various hysterical disorders (hysterical blindness, etc.) Based on thier tests, I am probably hypnotisable. Someone call King Mob.
Out Of Body Experiences
Brains freak me out.
Google Street View roundup
The Torontoist finds amusing things on Google street view in Toronto.
It's Steampunk month on
Maybe some day I'll even find time to read it!

science!, linkies, scary, halloween, fail, aaah!, feminism, steampunk, mind control will fry your brain!

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