The lure of sort-of affordable cellular internet has me wanting a 3g phone. The iphone is an obvious front-runner, but I'm not terribly happy with the degree of control that apple demands over them. Does anyone have recommendations for other 3g phones?
I want something that does;
- Web browsing (my current blackberry surprisingly does not)
- Calendaring, including syncing to the desktop. Though I suppose I could just do it live to yahoo calendar online if it came to it.
- Mp3 playing, because I need a backup device for when my ipod dies.
- A camera - doesn't have to be a good one, but I'm getting annoyed by not having a quick-n-dirty camera on hand.
- Bluetooth
Nice to haves;
- Voice dialling - the BB does this well, and I've gotten used to it.
- Wifi - because while I want the phone for the 3g internet, if I can get by without it...
I don't care about getting e-mail on my phone.
Any suggestions besides the iphone?